Are your students prepared for 21st century legal debates on policing? Do they know how the law regulates protest policing? Contempt-of-cop arrests? The policing of homelessness? How the law governs racial profiling or using force? Or why it is so challenging to sue and prosecute officers? Few issues are as pressing today as regulating the police, and yet typical criminal procedure courses and police misconduct seminars cover only a few of the legal issues confronting today’s lawyers. In this webinar, Rachel Harmon will introduce her new casebook, The Law of the Police, and offer tips for teaching a range of courses on policing and the law. This session, with a book that provides background on policing, explores how the law regulates typical police activities, and considers a range of legal remedies and reform for changing police behavior. As this session will illustrate, you do not need to specialize in policing to be effective in engaging students on issues you care about.
Rachel Harmon,
Professor of Law and Director, Center for Criminal Justice
University of Virginia School of Law