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Manual IP 

The most comprehensive and detailed resource for IP professionals

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Manual IP - the compliance source for 95 years - explains the procedures and laws involved in filing applications for Intellectual Property Law in 238 jurisdictions

Manual IP is formally known as “Manual for the Handling of Applications for Patents, Designs and Trademarks Throughout the World”.

The user-centric and innovative redesign of Manual IP – along with all the other founts of information and guidance available through Kluwer IP Law – will enable IP prosecution professionals such as patent and trademark attorneys and agents, in-house counsel, formality and support officers, and paralegals tobe effective in their day-to-day jobs in a way that could not have been imagined even a few years ago.
The following features are included:
  • Find and compare IP prosecution information for patents, trademarks, industrial designs and utility models globally.
  • Use the smart search function through the renewed Preselected topics for IP phases, for one or more jurisdictions. This will lighten the workload and facilitates the IP Law professional in selected IP application phases.
  • Quickly find answers and make a one-on-one comparison between the various topics from multiple countries. Save favourite searches and topics for future reference.
  • Created by local experts in the field.
  • Our News Alert service keeps you informed with the latest Intellectual Property developments, including new laws and changing regulations relevant to you. Register for the News Alerts

How Manual IP meets Corporate Legal Departments needs

Corporate Legal Departments (CLDs) are under pressure to do more with less and are simply doing more themselves to reduce the amount of money they spend externally on law firms or professional services
CLDs using Manual IP have access to a wealth of publications which makes them more proactive and efficient
CLDs receive the same information from different external parties when making an enquiry
CLDs using Manual IP can focus on information that is not known in-house

Edited by prominent IP law firms

Martin Luten

The Hague - Munich

Alan Potter

Firm Website LinkedIn
Abu Ghazaleh Intellectual Property https://www.agip.com LinkedIn
AFD China IP https://www.afdip.com LinkedIn
Afi Ventour & Co. https://ventourlaw.com LinkedIn
AJ Park https://www.ajpark.com LinkedIn
Aldecoa & Elias SRL https://www.aldecoaelias.com LinkedIn
Aoyama & Partners https://www.aoyamapat.gr.jp/en/ LinkedIn
Arnold + Siedsma https://www.arnold-siedsma.com LinkedIn
Bereskin & Parr LLP https://www.bereskinparr.com LinkedIn
Bird & Bird https://www.twobirds.com LinkedIn
BNG Legal https://bnglegal.com LinkedIn
Bolotov & Partners LLP https://bolotovip.com LinkedIn
Bouchaib Law Firm http://www.bouchaib-law-firm.com LinkedIn
Bowmans https://www.bowmanslaw.com LinkedIn
Boyanov & Co. htsadfsadfasdfom LinkedIn
Braunpat Braun Eger AG https://braunpat.ch/en/ LinkedIn
Bufete Mejia & Asociados https://www.bufetemejia.com/index.php/en/ LinkedIn
Bugge Valentin https://www.buggevalentin.com LinkedIn
Cabinet de Lespinasse https://www.cabinetdelespinasse.com LinkedIn
Caribbean IP https://www.caribbean-ip.com LinkedIn
Carter DeLuca https://www.carterdeluca.com LinkedIn
Cavelier Abogados https://cavelier.com/en/the-firm LinkedIn
Cirio Law Firm https://cirio.se LinkedIn
Clarke, Modet &Co https://www.clarkemodet.com/en/ LinkedIn
Consortium Legal https://consortiumlegal.com LinkedIn
Danubia Legal https://www.danubia.com LinkedIn
David Vernon http://www.vernon.eu LinkedIn
Di Blasi, Parente, Vaz e Dias & Associados https://diblasiparente.com.br/en/ LinkedIn
Dr. Helen G. Papaconstantinou and Associates https://www.hplawfirm.com LinkedIn
Drew & Napier https://www.drewnapier.com LinkedIn
Elias Neocleous & Co LLC htsadfsadfasdfom LinkedIn
Elkington And Fife Llp https://www.elkfife.com LinkedIn
Ella Cheong Spruson & Ferguson (ECSF) https://www.ellacheong.asia LinkedIn
Ellul Mifsud & DeBono https://www.emd.com.mt LinkedIn
Elzaburu https://www.elzaburu.es/en/ LinkedIn
Estudio Benedetti https://estudiobenedetti.com LinkedIn
European Patent Attorney, Trademark Attorney LinkedIn
Fabara & Compañía Abogados https://fabara.ec/en/home LinkedIn
Fischer Abogados https://www.fischer.com.uy LinkedIn
Foga Daley Attorneys at Law https://fogadaley.com LinkedIn
Germain et Maureau https://germainmaureau.com/en/ LinkedIn
Getachew and Associates LinkedIn
Gilat, Bareket & Co. https://gilat-bareket.rcip.co.il/en/ LinkedIn
Gorodissky & Partners https://www.gorodissky.com LinkedIn
Gratanet https://gratanet.com LinkedIn
Griffith Hack https://www.griffithhack.com LinkedIn
Hautier IP https://www.hautier.fr/en/ LinkedIn
Hoet & Partners https://www.hoetpartners.com/en/home-en/ LinkedIn
Hoffmann Eitle https://www.hoffmanneitle.com/en/ LinkedIn
Honey & Blanckenberg https://www.honeyb.co.zw LinkedIn
HSM IP lt. https://hsmoffice.com/intellectual-property LinkedIn
Ince http://www.incegd.com/en/ LinkedIn
Inventa International https://inventa.com LinkedIn
Ipvocate Africa https://ipvocate.com LinkedIn
ITEM D.O.O. https://www.item.si LinkedIn
J.E. Dias Costa https://www.jedc.pt/en/ LinkedIn
Jackson, Etti & Edu https://jee.africa LinkedIn
JAH & Co.IP https://www.jahcoip.com LinkedIn
Johansson & Langlois https://www.jl.cl/en/ LinkedIn
John Wilson Partners http://www.srilankalaw.com LinkedIn
KAMINSKI HARMANN PATENTANWÄLTE AG https://www.khp-law.li LinkedIn
Kashis Intelectual Property Group https://www.kashishworld.com LinkedIn
Kims and Lees http://kimsandlees.com LinkedIn
Laine IP https://www.laineip.fi/en/home/ LinkedIn
Lall & Sethi Advocates https://www.indiaip.com LinkedIn
Lee and Li https://www.leeandli.com/EN LinkedIn
Legal Solutions Chamber http://www.legalsolution.bi LinkedIn
Lehman, Lee, & Xu Mongolia http://www.lehmanlaw.com LinkedIn
MacLachlan & Donaldson https://maclachlan.ie LinkedIn
Majlingová & Partners https://www.skpatent.sk
MELIORA IP S.C. https://meliora.com.bo
Metida https://metida.com LinkedIn
Millers, Simons, O'Sullivan https://mslaw.tc
Neel Shivam Lawyers https://www.neelshivam.com LinkedIn
Novellie Verardi & Mitchell https://www.novellie.com LinkedIn
Office Ernest Freylinger s.a. http://freylinger.com LinkedIn
Patice https://patice.is LinkedIn
Pellerano & Messina http://www.pelleranomessina.com/ LinkedIn
Pepeljugoski Law Office https://pepeljugoski.com.mk/en/home-english/ LinkedIn
Petersona Patents https://petpat.lv LinkedIn
Petosevic https://www.petosevic.com LinkedIn
Pham & Associates https://www.pham.com.vn/en/
Remfry & Sagar http://www.remfry.com LinkedIn
Restmark Metida https://restmarkmetida.ee/en/ LinkedIn
Richelet & Richelet http://richeletyrichelet.com.ar/?lang=en LinkedIn
Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano Abogados https://www.estudiorodrigo.com LinkedIn
Rouse & Co International https://rouse.com LinkedIn
Saba & Co. IP https://www.sabaip.com LinkedIn
Sakpatenti https://www.sakpatenti.gov.ge
SDP KOSOVË http://sdpkosove.com LinkedIn
Societa Italiana Brevetti LinkedIn
Sonn & Partner https://www.sonn.at/en LinkedIn
Spoor & Fisher SA http://www.spoor.com LinkedIn
Tilleke & Gibbins https://www.tilleke.com LinkedIn
VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne http://www.ekvandoorne.com LinkedIn
Všetečka Zelený Švorčík Kalenský and partner https://www.sak-alo.cz/en/home-page-en LinkedIn
Zacarias & Fernandez Abogados https://www.zafer.com.py LinkedIn
Zacco http://www.zacco.com LinkedIn

Read what an expert in the field has to say about Manual IP

"My role is to provide precise information on IP law to assist our Patent attorneys and lawyers. Our attorneys often work for clients in multiple jurisdictions and require information on particular points of law. Providing the correct information to them in a timely manner is critical, since incorrect information can potentially invalidate a patent during prosecution or have costly knock on effects during patent litigation. This is where the Manual IP is so useful because it enables me to find information on points of law in every single country in the world at the click of a button."

Edward Pullicino
Professional Standards Officer (London), HGF

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